1-technician in hotels and tourism, specialty restaurant promotion 82/84.
2-level FCE in English language from British councils algiers.
3-STCW 95.
4-initiation in data processing.
5-driving license.
6-I speak english french arabic and a little bit of spanish and tcheque.
7-18 years of experiences professionals.
8-the posts I have occupied:maitre of hotel,chef of rang,camp boss ,gerant of canteen ,and leader of reception.
1-technician in hotels and tourism, specialty restaurant promotion 82/84.
2-level FCE in English language from British councils algiers.
3-STCW 95.
4-initiation in data processing.
5-driving license.
6-I speak english french arabic and a little bit of spanish and tcheque.
7-18 years of experiences professionals.
8-the posts I have occupied:maitre of hotel,chef of rang,camp boss ,gerant of canteen ,and leader of reception.
Motivations :
. For the attention of géneral sir director
object:demande of employment.
Sir, I have the honor to seek your high benevolence the granting of an employment in your company.
In the case of my candidature will be retained, I inform you that I am free of any commitment professionnel.
I add to you at that effect my detailed curriculum vitae.
Looking forward to a favorable continuation, please approve, sir director, the expression of my best regards.