2007: aupair à Londres: enseignement du Portugais à des enfants anglais par le biais d’activités ludiques.
2006/2007 : assistante de Portugais au Lycée International Europole, France. Organisation et encadrement d’un voyage scolaire d’une semaine au Portugal.
2005/2006 : cours particuliers de Portugais au Portugal.
2004/2005 : enseignante stagiaire au Lycée de Penalva do Castelo, Portugal.
1999/2005 : accueil du public et services. Serveuse dans l’hôtellerie et la restauration, vendeuse dans un commerce, réceptionniste dans un hôtel, guide touristique,hôtesse.
Diplome(s) :
2007-2008 : diplôme d’anglais Cambridge ESOL, Richmond Community College, Angleterre.
2006 : perfectionnement en langue anglaise, 3h par semaine, 8 mois.
2005 : validation académique du stage effectué en tant qu’enseignante stagiaire au Lycée de Penalva do Castelo, Portugal.
2004 : maîtrise de langues et littératures modernes portugaise et française, à la Faculté de lettres de Coimbra, Portugal.
2004 : formation de 45 h à la didactique et à la méthodologie de l’enseignement du français, à destination d’un public étranger (FLE), Université de Liège, Belgique.
1999 : baccalauréat littéraire, au Portugal.
Motivations :
Dear employer,
I studied Modern Languages (French and Portuguese) at Coimbra University, Portugal and I have been studying English in United Kingdom for the last 6 months. I am bilingual in French and Portuguese. As a Portuguese speaker I have a good understanding of Spanish and I can have a conversation in Spanish.
Whilst I was studying at the University I was employed by a manor house in Portugal as touristic guide. My duties included selling tickets, giving touristic information and promote the wine’s house to visitors. During this time, I also worked as a shop assistant, a waitress and a receptionist in an hotel in a touristic village in Portugal. As part of the term that I spent in France as a language assistant, I organized activities for children and teenagers, such as, exhibitions, games, trips, etc. This has given me a lot of experience of working with different kind of people.
I am a hard-working and reliable person. I also enjoy meeting people from other countries and I am considered to be friendly, enthusiastic and dynamic.I would like to learn new skills and to develop my languages skills.