99-01 apprenti de cuisine poste garde manger puis poisson le mas du soleil
01-02 aprenti de cuisine poste poisson l'oustau de baumaniere
02-03 commis puis demi chef de partie garde manger sofitel palm beach
03 demie chef de partie saucier la villa galicci
debut 04-fin 05 chef de cuisine le restaurant la maison"marseille"
nov05-juin 06 chef de partie poste garde manger l'atelier de joel robuchon
juin06-juin07 second de cuisine restaurant kong "paris"
juin 07-mars09 chef de cuisine le mini palais "paris"
Diplome(s) :
99-01 cap-bep cfa hotellier marseille provence
01-02 1er année bac pro cfa hotellier marseille provence
Motivations :
Hello, I me inscri on your site to find an employment of head chef, I am very to interresser by the indonésie, aprés to have to cross some years on bets, I feel today meadows for an experience in the etranger, my English again has to strengthen, but j ' learns(teaches) rather fast, I am of the region Provence in the South of France and the cooking which I practise is it as well with some notes of the differents leader as j was able to
thank you