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Diplome(s) :
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Motivations :
Madam mister
Suite has your announcement I would very be to interested by post d executive chef whom you offer. Being in post nowadays has Marrakech to restructure a small complex gerent 2 restaurant and having cook's about twenty under put orders .my professionalism as well ,as my charisma have always makes a collaborator of me precious. Having had a course which my fact to decouvrir several culinary culture so much there hotelier that in restoration I can m adapt has n matter what asks that it is has l plate, sideboard or catering. holds me has your entire dispositions as more ample information.N hesitez not has contact me for more ample information in 0675057007 ,the site of l place or I work www Marrakech park. i hope to have kept all your attention sincerest salutation
stephane crestin