Sofitel Palm Beach Marseille – Accor- Stage professionnel en Réception.
Activités et taches liées au poste : Réservation, Accueil, Facturation caisse, Information, Standard
2005 Période de
Noël et soldes
United Colors of Benetton- Rue Grignan Marseille - Conseillère en vente
Assurer la vente des produits, conseiller et accueillir les clients, participer au rangement et à l’exposition en vitrine, rayon et réserve.Effectuer encaissements
2005 4mois
Pic Valence – Relais et Châteaux 2 macarons au Guide Michelin
Stage professionnel en Service (3 mois) et Cuisine ( 1 mois)
Activités et taches liées au poste : Commis de salle Brasserie « l’Auberge » Mise en place de la salle, office et nettoyage matériel, Accueil des clients, prise de commande, service, encaissement client.
« Le Pavillon » Restaurant Semi gastronomique –Extras Serveuse
2004 Période de
Hôtesse d’Accueil au Cinéma « les 3 palmes »-La Valentine
Diplome(s) :
2005-2007BTS Hôtellerie Restauration Ecole Hôtelière de Bonneveine
2004-2005Mise à Niveau Lycée Hôtelier de Bonneveine
2003-2004Baccalauréat Sciences Economiques et sociales Lycée Marseilleveyre
Motivations :
I will graduate in Hospitality & Catering Management this coming June, and I would like to work in Ireland as soon as possible.
I would like to be given a chance to improve my English in order to get further experience, and I will do my best to give you satisfaction.
The position I would like either waitress or receptionist both for the contact with guests.
Madam Patricia RIFAUX, reception manager in Sofitel Palm Beach Marseille, could give you her opinion about me, during my training period in reception desk, about my motivation and my wish to learn always more.
Moreover, I plan to stay and work in your country for at least one year, but I also consider staying for a longer period.
I have a wide experience, good training skills. I am highly motivated, hard working, ambitious and eager to start a professional career. That’s why I hope you will give a positive answer to this application letter.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further information do not hesitate to send me a e-mail.